Sage 50 CA Ideas Portal

the size of the font on home page should be bigger

I don't understand why I can make the reports a normal visual size however on the home page of sage you can't enlarge the font..........

  • Dee Dee
  • Oct 2 2023
  • Crawford Air Ltd. commented
    January 08, 2024 23:10

    I agree, when working off a laptop Sage should allow the Font to be changed. The way it is when doing journal entree`s, the font is much too small. Very straining on the eyes, when like me, journal entry`s is being done on a daily basis. I had no problem when working off a standard PC, the font size was automatically larger, 3/8 - 1/2 inch in size. I just upgraded my office equipment to laptops and after several calls to Sage Tech Support I am being told that Sage Software doesn`t allow me to change the font size. So for all laptops the font size is now 16th - 1/8 of an inch compared to if you are using a PC the font size is much larger. I have been using Sage for 29 years now and never thought with me upgrading to laptops that the font size would ever be an issue. I am disappointed, thought Sage would be more compatible with laptops, after all, laptops is the way most people are going nowadays.

  • Sandi Garrett commented
    November 09, 2023 19:15

    I couldn't agree more!