Sage 50 CA Ideas Portal

BUG in Sage 50 Pro/Premium/Acctant Edition GENERAL JOURNAL REPORT

Attention SAGE,

I have reported this BUG directly to Sage on 8/2/23 & 8/14/23 but no solution. I have tested this on 3 different computers, 3 different sets of books, & 3 different versions of SAGE. The Technician on 8/2/23 also created this on his computer in the sample company with the same results. (I guided the Tech to simply create 2 entries out of date order in his sample company & he confirmed that the report BUG happened for him also.) The Tech on 8/14/23 recommended that I submit this ONLINE as an IDEA.

When you select: REPORTS, JOURNAL ENTRIES, ALL (or pick another journal report ie Revenue), REPORT BY DATE, & ENTER A DATE RANGE it does NOT sort by date, it is by Journal Number. It does give you just the entries within the date range but it is no longer sorted by date since the July/2023 update. It also happens in the other journal reports besides the ALL selection. Don't just look at the first few pages because they may have been entered in date order; it is more obvious when you follow through the report to find when the entries have been entered out of date order.

This is an essential report for Accountants (in addition to day to day work & year-end reporting) & I need to submit 2 sets of books of year ends to my Accountant but cannot produce this report for him. Because it is the JOURNAL ENTRY REPORT, it cannot be easily sorted in excel as a temporary solution. The only report I can give him is journal entries by journal # but they don't like to work from that report because then the entries are all over the place when you are printing the journal entry report for the whole fiscal year or month by month, and you don't get a clear picture of what is happening in the flow of the day or month.

Please advise if there is a solution that I have not thought of to get around this or when this BUG IN THE PROGRAM will be dealt with and available as a patch or update ASAP!

Thank you,

Lorraine Hachfeld, DESKTOP TECH, Sage Dealer /

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  • Aug 14 2023
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